Images of Japan: A Portfolio of Modern Japanese Prints

Ridderhof Martin Gallery  September 4-October 26, 2008 Opening September 3, 5-7pm Gallery talks: Appreciating Japanese Prints, by Leslie Huff, ’74 Japanese print aficionado and collector. Thursday, September 4, at noon and Snow, Moon, and Flower: Reflections of Traditional Aesthetic Sensibilities in Contemporary Japanese Prints. by Mikiko Hirayama, PHD. Assoc. Professor, University of Cincinnati. Friday, Spetember […]

Scherer &Ouporov

Ridderhof Martin Gallery March 15-June 3, 2007 Opening Reception: 5-7pm, March 15, 2007 Gallery Talk with the Artists Friday, March 16, 11 am. Ridderhof Martin Gallery. The exhibit will feature pieces by Suzanne Scherer and Pavel Ouporov, a husband and wife artist team who met in Moscow when they were both studying at the Surikov […]

Senior Exhibitions

duPont Gallery February 16-February 25, 2007 Opening Reception: 5-7pm. Feb. 16, 2007