The Lady Killer Motel, Video, Duration: 36:19
Attend the Premiere on April 30, 8:30 pm
Attend a Q+A with the artist on April 30, 9:15 pm
Meeting ID: 352 468 2114, Passcode: Motel
Body Count, supplemental zine for “The Lady Killer Motel”
Read the zine here
Self-Made Man, Video, Duration:15:23
View the video here
American Venus, Video, Duration: 3:01
View the video here
Crisis of Confidence, Video, Duration: 13:40
View the video here
Artist Statement
Kaitlyn Tiffany (b. 1999) is a Virginia–based multimedia artist. Through experimental videos, GIFs, and web–based performance art, Tiffany’s work explores the gender spectrum, Gen Z nihilism, and queerness. Their experimental videos muse off of the gender binary and the limitations of this gender dichotomy, the expectations put uponthe objectified feminine body, both historically and in contemporary society, as well as telling stories from their perspective as a gender non–conforming individual. Works such as Self–Made Man(2020) are made specifically through an autobiographical lens; however, their work typically focuses on their lived experiences, regardless of genre or medium. Their latest project, The Lady Killer Motel(2021),isa critique of homophobiaand queer representation in film, while also exploring the technical staples of the horror genre and its connection to violence against women in today’s media. Growing up inthe early 2000s, bound by the hierarchal of male validation and the restrictions placed upon female sexuality, Tiffany lived in the shadow of the predatory male gaze in a culture of heteronormativity.In a post–9/11 world with one “once–in–a–lifetime tragedy” after the next, their workreflects the cynicismthat can be felt widespread across their generation.