Leon Golub: Solo Exhibition

October 2 – December 15 Representing thirty years of the artist’s solo work, this exhibit addresses several of the social commentary themes of this important, internationally acclaimed artist: power, violence, injustice and angst at the end of the millennium. Works from the artist’s New York studio.

Margaret Sutton Cathedral Drawings

Ridderhof Martin Gallery August 17 – September 13 In the 1970s and 80s New York artist Margaret Sutton (1905- 1990) created 900 drawings of British cathedrals and palaces. Few have ever been exhibited. Now Prof. Jean Ann Dabb, a specialist in medieval architectre, chooses and comments on a group she finds most interesting.

Works by Former Art Department Faculty

Ridderhof Martin Gallery April 23- June 1 Paintings, drawings, sculptures, and prints by Julien Binford, Gaetano Cecere, Eric Isenberger, Elena Krupenski, John Lamph, Tetsuo Ochikubo, Eml Schnellock, and Dorothy Duggan Van Winckel

Champions of Modernism: Non-Objective Art of the 1930s and 40s and Its Legacy

Ridderhof Martin Gallery September 6-November 3 When the Museum of Non-Objective Painting, later the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, opened in New York in 1939, it became one of the prime showcases of modern art in the country. The Museum’s first director, Hilla Rebay, championed some of the most innovative artists of the day. This traveling […]

Phyllis Ridderhof Martin: Unseen Works and Margaret Sutton: Drawings of the 1940s.

Ridderhof Martin Gallery  Opening: April 14-June 10, 1995. These artists, both born in 1905, worked on opposite coasts–Ridderhof Martin in Los Angeles and Sutton in New York. After their deaths, both left large numbers of works seldom seen by anyone. These selections of their legacies are being exhibited for the first time.