Artist Statement
I’m a strong believer in not overthinking things, especially art. Any kind of work is more effective when it’s something you enjoy doing and so that’s the main reason I create. My favorite subjects are monsters and mythological beings with horror or dark whimsy inspired settings because they can be interpreted any way I want. The inspiration for my creatures can be found in ancient myths, urban legends, and even childhood TV shows and books, but the near-complete creative freedom they provide is what inspires me the most. Like with the art itself, the fun of creation is the only reason I need to create them.
I’ve been told that my works have a narrative feel to them. I’ve always liked stories and art pieces that look like they have a story in them, so it’s fitting that my pieces do as well. I add small details and out-of-focus action in most of my pieces to give the impression of an entire world around my scene and out of sight. Even a little of this gives the work a more complete feel and lets the viewer find a story in it.
I’ve created sculptures, drawings, and digital art, but most of my work consists of paintings. Acrylic paints dry quickly and are easily blended to make a myriad of vivid colors. This helps add to the illustrative aesthetic that I’ve grown fond of, makes the many small details in the paintings visible, and provides a nice contrast between the dark and light colors.