Please sign our digital guest book by adding a comment below!

A physical exhibition of this work will be held in duPont Gallery in the fall. We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you to the Studio Art faculty for their mentorship and support.

  • Jon McMillan, Ceramics and Department Chair
  • Carole Garmon, Sculpture and Professional Practices
  • Rosemary Jesionowski, Photography, Printmaking, and Senior Thesis
  • Jason Robinson, Digital Media
  • Chris Musina, Drawing and Painting

107 thoughts on “

  1. I just went on your senior art exhibition. Wow!!! I loved that it was the first thing I got to see this morning. Your work has really evolved at UMW over the last year. I was looking at the pictures of the pots you sent a few days ago and I thought about the word strength when I looked at them. You are such an independent and strong woman, even as a little girl you were strong in the way you lead. I love you and am so proud of you!!
    Christian Freeman

  2. I just went on again Cora and the feelings that your artworks elicit in me are; strength, groundedness, upliftment, love of the earth, and Joy! Both the ceramics and the embroidery pieces have a lot of texture and depth. I’m very proud of you Cora!

  3. As a roommate and friend of Cora Freeman, over the past semester, I have had the pleasure of seeing her dedication to art first-hand. The amount of admiration I have for both her and her artwork is abundant. It has been such a pleasure to watch her grow not only as an artist, but as an artist who will impact the world in monumental ways.

    Tremendous job and congratulations, everyone.

  4. Cora has worked so hard on all of her artwork this semester and it’s so exciting to see so much of it put together here. She’s been so thoughtful in all of it and I can’t wait to see where all her hard work takes her in the future <3

    1. So glad you saw the show! Thanks for your continued support! There’s a link to my art instagram if you want to follow!

  5. I really love Cora’s natural ability to adapt and overcome the obstacles of transitioning to the online platform in her last semester. Without having the ability to use the wheel for her pottery, she seamlessly switched medium to a different style of artwork without a flaw. Her talents are well represented!

  6. AMAZING! Fantastic art by fantastic artists. I cannot wait to see what everyone does going forward in their artistic career. Congratulations everyone!

  7. I like the variety of work in general and particularly the variety of work by one artist: Cora– pottery, weaving collage and photography.
    I’m sure you’re all disappointed not to have an in-person show, but putting your work online is a great way for those who might not otherwise see it to do so. Congrats to all.

  8. The technical proficiency, creativity, hard work, and talent in this exhibition is truly wonderful. Congratulations to everyone, and I can’t wait to see your work live in DuPont.

  9. Honored to take a look at seniors’ art, especially after seeing how hard they’ve worked! Congrats class of 2020!

  10. Such amazing work! You guys really rocked it through this semester; you should be proud of yourselves.

  11. Your gifts are wonderfully displayed!! I am sorry that your showcase wasn’t in person but so thankful to be able to share online with others! Amazing work Breanna Bravo!

  12. Incredible work, by incredible students, under incredible circumstances.

    You should all be very proud, and it was an honor to have worked with you over the last four years.

    Here’s to the future.

  13. I’m so proud of my granddaughter Breanna Bravo and her work ,such a wonderful young women! Congrats to all the seniors who participated, great work

  14. Very impressed by Samantha’s work! Congratulations and looking forward to seeing more in the future! Really cool to see how far you’ve come.

  15. Congrats everyone! This is a great collection of work! I hope you are all proud of yourselves!

  16. Dear Seniors,
    Thank you for the amazing exhibition!
    Each artist is very talented and creative,and each piece of art is meaningful and unique.
    So proud of our daughter Samantha, and so proud of you all !
    Congratulations Class of 2020!

  17. As an alma mater Studio Art Major I know how much work went into this, and I know how you’ve had to evolve and adapt to not having a traditional reception. Know that we SEE you and your hard work ! Thank you SO much for producing, learning, and contributing to the Art world so significantly. Much respect to you all! Special shoutout to the homie Benji ! My favs are images 5, 7, and 9! I love your color and pattern juxtaposition and how complexly layered your compositions are; while still allowing for emphasis on the main subject. There is a lot of movement, expressiveness, and power in your work, which I find interesting considering your predominant use of markers, which can be unforgiving and traditionally “tight” with mark making capability; so you have achieved a high level of expressiveness and voice without the use of loose splatter, brush stroke, or supporting abstraction, as is more indicative. I love the themes of nature and how they interact with your body forms. I love the portrait and how the personality of the subject shines, again not a cut and dry feat when using marker. Well done Sir Benji!

  18. Wow that Breanna girl is amazing! Can’t wait to see more of her stuff. Maybe a whole exhibit just for her?

  19. Congratulations on a job well done Kelli. I’m so proud of you. You worked very hard throughout your college years for this very moment. All of your hard work has paied off.

  20. congratulations seniors on your multidimensional talents and achievements!
    I enjoyed the variety, the use of light and color. My heartfelt KUDOS to Kelli Schooler. Your work is soulful and reflects who you are as a gifted & giving individual.

  21. I logged in to view the artwork of Kelli Schooler, a dear family friend. It was lovely to see the contributions of all of the students. Thank you for sharing your talents.

  22. Kelli Schooler is a former student of mine. I was moved by her subjects. How beautifully she wove in Religious themes- free spirit, grace, brokenness- with intriguing methods and materials. I love the fluid lines and the use of blue and gold. This was inspiring!

  23. I am grateful to see the talent and creativity of our students on display! Thank you for creating this virtual exhibition. It reflects well on our students, and on the fabulous faculty in the Art Department. Well done!

    1. I love Art and Artistic expression. I am viewing the work of Artist Marcus Hill from Virginia.

  24. I love Art and Artistic expression. I am viewing the work of Artist Marcus Hill from Virginia.

  25. Impressive work by some very gifted students. Your displays and comments are powerful expressions of personal and human views that will serve to educate humanity. Marcus Hill, I have known you since the day you were born, and I am so very proud of you as you speak your truth. Continue to espouse your strengths and grow strong your cries to share them…

  26. Congratulations Marcus Hill! What a talent!! I am thrilled about your abilities as an artist and person to express yourself visually and artistically!! The colors and details portray your expressive style and creativity. You continue to amaze me with your artwork. God has truly blessed you with an awesome gift. Keep up the good work.
    Congratulations to all the artists displaying their talents through this online site. All the best to you as you graduate and pursue future endeavors.

  27. I am so proud of your work Cora Freeman. I love that your process is such an important part of your end product. You choose mediums that require the utmost patience and vision. Your work is layered and full of character. Congratulations on completing your senior year!!

  28. Awesome show of talent from everyone.
    Especially proud of my daughter Erin’s art. Love how your art uses body language (a universal factor) to cross language and cultural barriers to evoke subjective, visceral experiences. Well done!

  29. As I told you all last night, I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you. Your dedication to completing the semester and to going above and beyond with your thesis work is truly inspiring. What’s that? No, I just have something in my eye….

  30. What a wonderful collection of eclectic styles by a very talented group of Seniors! It was really nice to experience the Senior Exhibit, even if not in person.

    We are so proud of our daughter, Samantha, for how she has grown, and all that she has accomplished, as an artist, a student and a young woman. This semester it’s been fun being able to watch as your paintings come together step by step. We’re so proud of you and love you!!

  31. Congrats Breanna, Courtney, Benji, Abigail, Natalie, Erin, Cora, Tess, Marcus, Ryan, Tara, Emily, Megan, Mason, Katherine and Kelli! I’m so proud of all the works you guys have created and feel privileged to be able to see this amazing show! Love you all!

  32. Came for Sammi, stayed for the INCREDIBLE art. Wow. WOW. I had such a great time looking at everyone’s art and was genuinely moved by many of the pieces. I especially loved reading the artists’ statements. Getting an insight into why you all make art and the often profound meaning many of you ascribe to it made me appreciate the craftsmanship so much more. You should all be incredibly proud of the work you’ve done. I can’t wait to see what the future brings!

  33. Fantastic works and such great talent from so many artists! Erin, I love how you use projections and distortions of the human form to raise questions about deep and complex emotions that cannot be understood rationally, but must be empathized with. Can’t wait to see more!

  34. Marcus Aumtie San is so proud of you shouting from Atlanta Georgia, your art is beautiful , you are an artist. Love you

  35. Outstanding work to all. Thank you for allowing us explore this journey with you.
    Marcus Hill (Fredericksburg, Virginia) you have touched our family hearts in many ways. We love your art work. Continue to share your art, heart and love with everyone. Music, Art and Love (MAL) are the keys ingredients to enjoying life. Thank you for keeping the African American art and spirit alive.

    We are sending cheers and dancing to a variety of African drum beats.

    We love you! Looking forward to exhibiting your work at one of our conferences.

    Elma and Carroll Coleman
    Blacks In Government (BIG)

  36. What a talented, creative group of seniors! Congratulations on your work and thank you for sharing it! I couldn’t be prouder of my daughter, Abbey Dyer! You’ve worked so hard, and you have such a bright future ahead. Follow your dreams and your heart, and never stop chasing rainbows! We love you!

  37. I love being able to browse through this and admire everyone’s hard work from the year! The talent and skill among this group is really beautiful. I can’t wait to see all of these works in person next semester. Mazel Tov to everyone involved! <3

  38. Awesome work to all the artists. So proud of my sister, Abbey Dyer!! You are amazing and I’m so so proud to be your brother! Keep up the great work!

  39. great show! really sad to not be seeing it in person. Erin, love your work and it’s so amazing to see how you’ve grown as an artist! I hope you enjoyed making these works and are as proud of yourself as I am of you. Your hard work and care is evident! As always can’t wait to see what you are doing next. – L

  40. Thank you UMW Seniors! You should all be so proud of the work you’ve done and so proud of graduating from the University of Mary Washington! Amazing art from an amazing institution!
    I’m so proud of my daughter Abbey Dyer. What wonderful art you’ve brought to us; you’ve changed our lives! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! We love you so much!

  41. What a treat looking through all the art. Each piece we looked at are unique and thought provoking! Can’t image the time you all spent to compose each piece. Thank you all for sharing your work. Truly gifted! Natalie, I’m so very proud of your accomplishments! Please, please keep showing the Walters family your art work!

    1. Cora Freeman we were thrilled to see your work. The ceramic pots are my favorites. The golden glaze was deep and rich. You should be so proud. Each of your works were obviously
      a labor of love. I look forward to seeing the pieces, actually touching them.
      Well done!! Congratulations!

  42. Congratulations, artists! this is an exciting exhibit.
    It’s wonderful to see how your talent has developed, Samantha, from the precocious drawings you did as a young child with crayons or pencil to the multimedia work you do now.

  43. Congrats to all of the artists!! I loved seeing the art from my past classmates. Looking forward to seeing what you all create beyond UMW.

  44. Wow! There is a lot of really excellent work here. You all should be very proud of yourselves. Thanks for sharing it all with us and for bringing some bright light to us during a rather difficult time. We are so very proud of you and look forward to hearing about your next steps after UMW. Best wishes to you,

  45. Congratulations to all the artists. Your work is amazing!

    I especially want to recognize Ben who possesses truth, humor, and passion. Continue to live your life fully and unapologetically – let your light shine! So proud of you! Love you!

  46. I enjoyed all of the artwork. I am a friend of Marcus Hill’s mother, I’m glad she shared this with me. Great job Marcus, very proud of you.

  47. Amazing art and even more amazing thought that went into your pictures. Thanks for a glimmer into your thinking! Profound!

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